Skulldash: Expanded Edition
Welcome to Skulldash, the fast-paced speedrun arcade mod For Doom II. The objective in Skulldash is to collect the Skulltokens scattered around each level to unlock the exit.
While collecting the Skulltokens you have to race against the clock, as there is a time limit to beat – all while defending yourself from the hordes of monsters from hell.

Fast Paced Gameplay

While on the hunt for the hundreds of Skulltokens scattered across the various realms, you’re having to race against the clock! Failure to beat the level in the permitted time will cause you, the player, to be splattered into many pieces.
Fear not, however, hidden throughout most levels are many secret areas containing blue Skulltokens, which add a precious five seconds to the clock.
Large Selection of Levels
With twenty standard levels, four boss levels, five bonus levels, a giant level-hub (and a tutorial) you’ve got plenty of hours of gameplay available! To top it all off, there’s an additional nineteen community-made levels!
Skulldash takes you to many realms & locations, including but not limited to technical bases, aztec temples, icy caverns, under the ocean, on a series of treetops, in hell, a haunted mansion, a medieval castle, a jungle altar, hell and heaven!
Take a look at each of the levels, read descriptions & see screenshots of them all!

Bosses, Secrets & Bonus Maps

Every level has a plethora of secret areas, containing bonus equipment and Skulltokens – keep your eye out if you want to go for 100% completion – when you beat an full tier of levels with 100% tokens collected, you unlock a bonus level!
At the end of each Tier (except the 1st) there is an action packed boss map. Each boss is found in an environment crafted around their strengths and weaknesses. Bosses are often accompanied by hordes of hellspawn to assist them in taking you out. Prepare yourself to face the Lava Golem, the Dark Inquisitor, the Gate Keeper & the Overlord! If you’re hungry for more boss fights, we have two more epic battles lined up in the community expansion.
What's New
21 New Levels
Ten Talented Mappers
- Dragonfly
- Remmirath
- Bauul
- Tormentor667
- Jimmy
- Dreadopp
- Xyzzy01
- AtroNx
- Poohlyash
- kyle2959
Over 3,300 More Tokens to Collect
Scoring System Implemented
Ported to GZDoom
Numerous Bug Fixes
Visual Upgrades in Every Level
Download Skulldash
Download Skulldash Expanded Edition
Skulldash is all stored in a single PK3 and runs with GZDoom v3.2.0 and above. Remember that you need a copy of Doom II (DOOM2.WAD) to play Skulldash!
Tokens to Collect
Levels to Beat
Check Back Later!
Skulldash is not available for download yet, but will become available on the 22nd October 2017.
Cacoward Winner
Skulldash has a few accomplishments under it’s belt. Firstly, Skulldash won a Cacoward! To a common ‘Doomer’ this award is the equivalent to a Doom “Golden Globe” or “Grammy Award”!
Skulldash was also printed in the PC Gamer magazine, worldwide, as part of the single page spread on the 22nd Cacowards, alongside two other fantastic, award winning projects.
On behalf of myself (Joshua ‘Dragonfly’ O’Sullivan) I couldn’t be more honored and amazed at seeing Skulldash be awarded a Cacoward, and to see that award printed in a magazine that’s distributed all over the UK & US!

Featured in PC Gamer Magazine!
Featured in PC Gamer Magazine!
What can I say? Seeing something I’ve poured hours of love and labor into being featured in a magazine gives me an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
The article is available in the image adjacent, just click/tap on the image to expand it. I am very honored to see Skulldash as one of the three select picks from the pool of Cacoward winning projects that went to print in this magazine.
The article is on Page 119 of the March 2016 issue of PC Gamer.
Community Levels:
Skulldash News & Reviews
Doomworld: Cacowards Ceremony
In 2015’s Cacowards ceremony, Skulldash appeared on page one, alongside Sunlust and Erkattäññe. The review that accompanies the award was written by KMX E XII, author of the Doomed: Doom WAD Reviews. This award gives me an immense sense of accomplishment, and I couldn’t be more appreciative of everyone who voted for the award!

Doomworld: /Newstuff Chronicles #494
In April ’16, Skulldash finally landed on Doomworld’s homepage within the Newstuff Chronicles. This very flattering review was written by Hornbuckle, who goes on to say “With fast-paced gameplay and tension throughout, you won’t need mods to enhance this level pack: it’s the real deal!”
Doomed: Doom WAD Reviews
A fantastic and extensive review was written up by KMX E XII over on the OneManDoom blog. KMX E XII has put in a lot of effort, taking a screenshot of each level (even bonus levels!) and making a reasonably detailed write-up for each level.

PekoeBlaze: Skulldash Review
PekoeBlaze has taken the time to write a very flattering review of Skulldash on their blog. Without being too in-depth, the review covers most aspects of Skulldash and sure knows how to praise the project! “As well as the excellent level design, the thing that truly makes “Skulldash” stand out from the crowd are the innovative gameplay modifications.”
Realm 667: Skulldash News
A quick little announcement was dropped on the R667 site by Daniel “Tormentor667” Gimmer, who states that Skulldash is “fresh with its idea and something totally new that is a lot of fun to play”!